– I don’t know, this might not be just a great idea to attack a country over a soldier. Not that a human life isn’t worth it, but I don’t think a government nor a general people would try to piss off someone they are finally normalizing relations with. I wouldn't put to much into Hamas being in league with these people, but that is just me.
Funny thing that karma, as Bill O’Reilly said, bad things happen to bad people. I’m not saying the Israeli’s are bad, but they are letting emotions get the better of them. I think if they can wait 3000something years to get back land, Palestinians won’t soon forgot the stuff thats been going on for 40–50 years.
And what possible good can come out of arresting Hamas? If they have relations with the kidnappers, wouldn’t it be better to see if you can’t get Hamas to negotiate? Oh, my bad, forgot about the one week and we clear ourselfs of any wrong doing in the airplane on beach thing. My bad. [BBC NEWS].
– Yeah, I’d just feel sort of weird for thanking another guy for taking my beef. The Japanese are nice and all, but still. But it is that conservative bastion GW Bush, so I guess I understand. [BBC NEWS] - Bush and Koizumi talk beef.
– … you know. Democrats and the Media aren’t mad that he is doing the various illegal if I do it shit, they are mad because there is no oversight. Maybe the media would report it anyway, but this country… it just. WTF?
Is that so much to ask? Really? Debate it, pass it and it’s fine. You’d have pissed off people, but the majority spoke. But he’s not, he letting a committee HEAR about it and then they can’t talk to anyone about it. :: twitch :: I’m tired of these assholes. [ Media Matters ].
Tags: Israel, Beef, Japan, Bush, Media, Treason, Anderson
- PBS has a good editorial on what may happen if Net Neutrality goes the way of the Dodo Bird.That is one thing I'll never get, so they want to make the net' "tiered" because the Coms' need more money to spread the net' although we've already given them tons of money through the form of taxes to do just that. So... we are being double taxed? Anyone? [ PBS ]
- My second attempt at getting WordPress up is going to happen tonight. Wish moi luck.
- Tomorrow I will give my difference between parties and ideologies. Why? Because I can, that's why... and to lose another 6 readers.
Tags: Net Neutrality, WordPress, Tomorrow
- This is the funniest thing I've seen all day, and a saw a script that was five pages long... for a period!!! Hahahaha... haha... ha... anyhow, I <3 Olbermann. He's the best thing that's name isn't Stewart or Cobert. [Crooks and Liars]
- I'm reading the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers right now. Not so much reading, as looking at them like I'm going to read them. Part of me knows when I read them I'll have a whole new hatred for Bush, the other half just doesn't want to read.
- I was going to post earlier, but the Movable Type install wasn't going so hot, so I switched to WordPress. Yeah, doesn't seem to be doing any better. :/
- Gotta love that ol' Georgie boy, even when you think he has lost... he has probably won. This is insane btw, his party controls every branch in government and when one tells him no, he goes to the other one. Wasn't Congress mad about his signing bills? Maybe here is a chance to compromise... stop laughing. Stop. I hate republicans. [ Yahoo News ]
- Early night for me tonight, I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, like... you're a nosey person* aren't you? Just letter writing and getting my stuff in order.
- Still messing with the site, though I'm starting to see a finished product.
- I found two Florida political news sites, they will add to the sites crappy great content.
*I changed it right after I typed it. :P
Boy are my arms tired
- How do these people become leaders? Ok, I know how they become leaders, but... WTF? I figure killing the people who killed your diplomats would be nice... but then wouldn't that just create more violence against Russians? And instead of a communist dictatorship, we have a Fascist dictatorship. Someone call Boris Yeltsin... he is drunk off his ass? Never mind.
I'm so glad Russia isn't communist anymore, those people were mean. We still have China though. What? Our friend now? Shut up. [BBC NEWS]
- Net Neutrality lives another day.
I don't know. Maybe being poor in real life and the internet will be cool. [mydd]
- I'm thinking, it looks like you are going to be in a tough race against a seemingly pretty strong Democrat. So having Republican's endorse you... maybe not the best of ideas. [Lamont Blog]
Tags: Russia, Net Neutrality, Lemont
- Yeah, because he isn't doing a good enough job by himself. [MediaMatters]
- Let me put it bluntly, the press can print whatever they want. [MediaInfo]
Why's this? So they can keep an eye on on public figures. Do I agree with this all the time? No, but it is better than the alterative.And this is exactly what they are for, to make sure we don't have our rights violated.
National Security is a weasel of the worst magnitude. You can't be safe and free at the same time. Some freedoms might be exchanged for safety, but we should at the very least be able to debate/vote on said measure.
One vote.
66 - 34
First, the Flag Amendment didn't pass.
Politicians have to be held to a higher standard than this. We have so many more pressing issues to deal with and this Congress just ignored them. It felt flag burning, gay marriage, and the inheritance tax was more important than immigration, spiraling debt, or inequalities among poor people. They spent time debating these things. Gay marriage, they spent at least a day on this. Seriously. You want this amendment with the Bill of Rights, the Civil Rights Amendment, and other things of that nature? We don't want gays to marry because people might marry their pets? First, so what? Second, wouldn't it cut down on undesirable children if Farmer John was married (lovingly) to his goat?
The flag is merely a symbol of our country, and should be respected, but free speech is an embodiment of our country, and should be revered. - someone [Yahoo News].
The worst part about all this is there is no gridlock. They could pass something like that, but they choose not to. Are you better off then five years ago? I sure as hell know I'm not and I am pretty sure it isn't because of gays, inheritance taxes or some one burning the flag. Wait, maybe burning the flag is what is causing global warming. The repub's are geniuses, I'm voting down the ticket for them.
Please, for the love of whatever you think is holy -- vote the republicans out of office in 06'. If you are a republican voter, vote libertarian.
Tags: Flag, Gays, poor, gridlock
This site is still a work in progress. Actually I'm still not a hundred percent in love with the idea of doing a political blog. I like the idea of blogging though. I'll give my site, in its current incarnation, about two months -- if it doesn't click I'll try something new.
What I love about blogging the most is that everyone does it, even Wil f'n Wheaton. Haven't done much anything with regards to the new site, but I'll probably get it going in a few weeks.
Remember, only you can prevent squirrel fires.
update: yeah, I fixed the page error at the bottom. I know, I rule. It's all in a days work.
:: blink ::
The slippery slope keeps getting slipperier. The Republican’s are one vote shy of sending this country down a path I don't think it can return from.
Amongst many people I feel burning the flag is deplorable, along with illegal drugs, not wearing your seat-belt/helmet, smoking, drinking, let’s just say any victimless “crime,” but I support any Americans right to do these things. Hell, any human beings right to do these things. Any number of things can be said to say “this should be legislated” because of… well, any number of things.
Like, illegal drugs = families. seat-belts = insurance. smoking = families/insurance/think of the children. I guess you could put think of the children up there for any one of those. (Did I mention I hated kids? The punch in balls comment didn't tip you off?) But it the end no one is being hurt physically by any one of those issues, and conversely no law should be passed. (this is where my libertarianism kicks in)
Thus is the reason why there shouldn't be ANY amendment concerning flag burning. It might hurt someone's feelings, but imprisoning people robs them of their freedom. We didn't fight is oh so many wars to become what we fought against. [Washington Post].
Yeah, this is funnier than any thing I could ever hope to write. [The Poor Man Institute].
Tags: Flag, Victimless Crime, Libertarian, Blogofasism
This gives me a whole bunch of warm feelings in the cockles of my heart. The US has told Israel to count to ten and take a deep breath before doing anything drastic (read: stupid). Yeah, that rings sort of hollow to me. Hey, remember when the international community said the same thing with regard to Iraq? Me neither, pass the popcorn, this should be good. [BBC NEWS].
I’m of differing opinions on this. The first opinion is that it doesn't matter where you meet someone else (then you get this) and the second one is you should meet at a restaurant or something. Not Burger King. Or the third choice, don’t meet them, nine times out of ten they are f’n crazy. You know it's true. [FOX30 Online]
Yeah, because Florida had this burning need to have “In God we Trust” as its motto. No crime, no insurance doesn't cost too much, no problems, it just needed this. Because, as a person of faith, I take great solace in this. And by the way, I’d like to punch those kids in the balls. [10 News – Florida]
… talking about the fore mentioned insurance. Yeah, have the tax payers bail out a business that shouldn't have been in operation in the first place. Good job… you putz. [10 News] – Florida
Tags: US, Israel, MySpace, Florida, JEB Bush, Insurance
Bush ignores laws he inks, -> vexing <– Congress.
“McCain was furious, and so were other lawmakers.” BWHAHA… BWWWHAHAHAHA… BWWWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… Wow, first off I didn’t know that the media knew any words besides the normal newspeak, congrats. Second, congress could do a lot to stop the president. Impeaching him would do the job right off the top of my head. Censure him, not pass laws until he stops, maybe not rubber stamp everything he does. You said Republican Congress? Oh, never mind. Last, you know when it is an election year when Senators get all pissy. [Yahoo! News].
"We didn't need the Bill of Right's anyhow."
"The fact that a newspaper disclosed it makes it harder to win this war on terror." – George Bush
So much for our unofficial fourth branch of checks and balances. Just a matter of time before they have made so many laws that the presses freedoms are suffocated. Why do I get the feeling we are all living in Bush's world and there isn't any thing we can do about it? I seriously wonder what the Founding Fathers would have said about this. [Yahoo! News].
Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. – Thomas Jefferson
Tags: Bush, Press, Media, Checks and Balances
Wait for it… wait for it… BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ahhhh… BWWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :: cough :: BWWWWWHAHAHAHAHAHA :: snort :: And there is your conservative media ladies and gentleman. Don’t forget to tip your waitresses, I’m here all week. [Talking Points Memo].
I don't know what's more outrageous, that he got away with it the first time or that he is going to rail on about something tomorrow and people are still going to treat it like gospel. Ou, wouldn't it be deliciously ironic if he started going off on the airport for the invasion of privacy?
First let me tell you that I am not advocating full scaled pullout, but I do like hypocrisy. After the last few weeks of the admin [read: republicans] saying all the dem’s who support pullout / redeployment are trying to “cut and run,” the military says it is cutting and running. [PERRspectives Blog].
[UPDATE] They aren’t cutting and running, they are uh, moving… shit… uh… up a hill… and making Iraq safer… shit. I hate republicans, no reason, just hate them. [Media Matters].
First I would like to say great job. We need more people to give money to charity. Now for the sad part. Why didn’t he give more of his money sooner? It’s like giving to a charity after it’s recently gone through restructuring. It helps, but it’s a little late. [BBC NEWS].
Tags: cut and run, administration, charity
This took place in the UK, so I’ll give it a little bit of a pass. Yeah, a little.
Why do they still do this. Wait, why did they ever do this? You have solider's saluting a goat. Picture it. A goat? This might be fine for a military academy, but we’re talking about the British f’n Army. Don’t they have better things to do, like say, kill people?
Head… Exploding…
I've decided to go in another direction with the site. I shall turn it into a clown porn site with exclusives of clown midget bearded ladies, ou, I'm ready.
I know what I am going to do with the site now. I should have known right after I started, but it was a lot easier with no content with an article at the top. Here's what it shall look like:
Content, content content!
I'll scale back the article review and put mostly my thoughts on the article. I've decided not to split my site in two, but I will be running a separate site probably another blog-esqe site. This site will be mostly political with the stray article. No other contributors.
Caption day, well... sucked. Though I did laugh at Zombie Cheney. (laughing) I'll just do captions in between whenever. Mail day also sucks, but mostly because I haven't gotten any mail, except rejections from blog indexes. I'll put that on hold a while.
I'll most likely do 1-3 entries a day. I'll take a break every now and again, but I will try to tell you..
That's about it. I'd enjoy your comments, but, if you want to remain in the void, more power to you I suppose.
... it pours.
Ok, I don't but Rose really sucks now.
I mean, REALLY. So not to give you spoilers for a season you haven't seen:
I hope that thing happens that it alluded to at the end of this episode happens and it is not a bait and switch. THAT IS ALL I'M SAYING.
I might be able to put up with David Tenant, but this Rose crap has to go. It's called "DOCTOR WHO", not "doctor who and his magnificent companion Rose."
Keep your fingers crossed.
Tags: Doctor Who
Seriously yo
I mowed my "lawn" today. Usually it's just a build up of weeds, so I put it off until the last possible moment before the neighbors call the deed people. That is a long time because most have lawns as bad as ours. So we live on the corner of a somewhat busy street and the people usually just dump their crap on our lawn and drive off. Being the responsible liberal, I just mow over it and hope the pieces don't hit me in the eye. Today the mower stalled three times because it looks as if a drunk ran up on the yard and the "yard" has a few spots where it goes up and down. It's a mess.
But seriously, I hate mowing
What's in the news... the news. I was skimming yesterday and I came a crossed an article advocating that "poor" people not breed. Beside the obvious how many times was she dropped on her head and is it still going on questions I have for her... no, that is the only one. How do people like the author even turn on the computer?
Boggles the mind
... and no, no links. I don't want to encourage her.
WASHINGTON - A secret CIA-Treasury program to track financial records of millions of Americans is the latest installment in an expansion of executive authority in the name of fighting terrorism. The administration doesn't apologize for President Bush's aggressive take on presidential powers. Vice President Dick Cheney even boasts about it.
Analysis: CIA program expands Bush's power - Yahoo! News.
Will this be fun when a democrat is in office, it’s just a matter of time. After the repubs go back to their “we want smaller government” shtick they will all be pissing a moaning “the President has to much power, waa waa, the Constitution has checks and balances.”
That’s when you’ll know the Republican’s have jumped the shark.
Tags: Bush, Powers, Checks and balances
Fonzie rules
BAGHDAD, Iraq - The Iraqi government declared a state of emergency and imposed a curfew Friday after insurgents set up roadblocks in central Baghdad and opened fire on U.S. and Iraqi troops just north of the heavily fortified Green Zone.
Iraqi govt declares state of emergency - Yahoo! News.
From the you didn't see that one coming department...
I understand that making this a stable... whatever will be difficult work, but time after time the administration says "everything's fine, it's getting better everyday." It is just not true, that is one of the major problems with this administration, it lies or misrepresents everything. For an administration that says it is not going by poll numbers they sure do a lot to make the population at large think everything's ok when obviously it isn't.
Tags: Red Alert, Iraq, State of emergency
I'm not changing the format of the blog, just the news hasn't stuck me as funny or stupid. Not to say there hasn't been stupid news (Coulter saying if Murtha gets fragged he'll finally deserve a Purple Heart) just look at the Media Matter's bar on the side of the page, but the mood hasn't stuck me.
So, this is why I don't get involved in fights. Especially internet fights (cue the "Arguing on the Internet is like being in the Special Olympics..." picture). While I'd like the attention for about five seconds the credibility I worked up would be shot to hell. Well, I have no credibility nor will probably have any, but that is beside the point.
This is why "moving on" is important. Not necessarily ignoring the comment[s] but just saying they aren't true and maybe giving a reason why they aren't true and letting the comment die. What they have done is questioned their doing this, which may or may not be true, and basically said your penis is two inches hard. While this would be fine (relatively speaking) for me since I could pick up and blog somewhere else with relative anonymity, is isn't for them.
Which going to show you, humans are stupid.
-> I fixed the title yesterday... it wasn't anything. Today I was trying, without success, to get listed on the main (google, yahoo, msn) site. Lol, I don't think I was accepted on the minor ones. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
About a year before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, historian Martin Gilbert visited the Oval Office to talk about the leadership of Winston Churchill during the Second World War. Based on the work of this preeminent 20th-century historian, we can guess what traits he might have emphasized: realism and vision. When it came to measuring the brutalities and sacrifices of war against the existential threat of fascism, Churchill was peerless. “War is terrible,” he wrote during the parliamentary debate over German aggression, “but slavery is worse.”
As the debate in Congress makes painfully clear, too many war critics still fail to admit the blackness of the threat — the hideous inhumanity of radical Islam — that confronts us in Iraq and elsewhere in the Muslim world. Without this moral realism, detractors have allowed their qualms about the conflict to degenerate into fatalism and defeatism. No surprise, then, that they now lack the resolve to carry on.
Joseph Loconte on War & Leadership on National Review Online.
I was skimming this article looking for the one thing that would make it devoid of truth. I found it…
You see Liberals, not Democrats, have a knack for picking of bullshit. Conservatives might to, but since Bush is still in office I’ll decline to comment.
Iraq was not a “radical” Muslim hideout. That is, before the “war.” While I would not want to go there, I still believe it is not a radical place. Afghanistan is more of a radical place, and we attacked it with provocation.
But that’s neither here nor there for this article. This article leaves out what Iraq was before the invasion. It leaves out what most European countries are going though because of this “War on Terror.”
Let me be the first to tell you, ha, but there is no war on terror. Like there is no war on drugs, poverty, or whatever else you want to put in there. You cannot go to war against an idea, either a active one (drugs) or a inactive one (poverty). The reason is, it will never end. Politicians might say these things to get votes or stay in office, but they are just ways for government to wield more control over the populace.
Iraq, was the best and brightest of the Muslim world 20 years ago. Why did that change? Because the dictator misread the states intentions with regard to Kuwait. Because of his short sidedness or ours (to get into another Vietnam) we are left with this… mess.
If we leave, we may “embolden” terrorists. If we stay, we might do the same. If we aren’t looking at the past, what are we looking at? We still, three years later, have no clear plan from the White House. At least the Democrats have put forth a plan, even though the Republicans have thoroughly derided it as “cut and run” even though “timetable” does not generally say… you know, leave tomorrow.
So what do we do? Leave them to fend for themselves or stay for however long it takes… which will probably be a minimum of 10 years, without the results we are looking for. My vote:
Snowcones are terrorists
I get in the most retarded arguments with my neighbor.
Today, much like every other fucking day I had nothing to do, besides the obvious... which I'll do later, I swear. I go over to his house and we exchange pleasantries and it's on. He big into poker. Most of the immediate people around me are way to into poker, more on that later. He's playing as I'm watching egging him to put all his chips in the pot (so his game would be over). This is of great joy to me, because otherwise I'd be here typing.
So he is going on about someone "sucked out on him" and I go, "the cards are predetermined, you have as much much chance as winning as you do losing." And because he likes pissing me off he goes, "no, there are odds for every hand... bla bla bla" and then the argument ensues. He didn't want to admit (totally) that the cards were predetermined and went to the next conclusion that all hands had odds. Which, I'm fine with, if we were only talking about that. By totally I mean he said at the end, about five minutes after he said I'm not talking about this anymore, "Well EVERYONE knows that they are predetermined, but.. bla bla bla" -- he has a way of ending the conversation in two ways, first the "you're a moron, I'm not talking about this with you anymore" way or the "I concede most/all of your points but I am still right on the points I brought into this discussion that had nothing to do with the point you brought up" way. Don't even get me started on the "game of chance" argument.
I'm not saying he is wrong all the time, I've said/thought incorrect things before, but he has a way of jumping to the next conclusion. Something I brought up in the argument on a argument / conversation we've been having for the last 4-5 years. It goes, all humans evolved from the same life, but there are three major classifications in races. There are more classifications going down such as continent (Asian, European), and country (Japanese), and whatever. He has shifted his position a few times but it is generally at we all come from the same stalk so it doesn't matter. Whenever I take a position though he takes the one one away as in: all one, nope 3 races - bunch of races, nope 3 races - 3 races, nope one race. It all ends up at one race eventually, but it's annoying as hell.
Poker it the main hobby of everyone I know around here, seriously yo. I figure if it makes you happy... but... you're losing your money. It's f'n stupid. Garden, get involved in some sort of league, read, or something... but christ. They spend too much time screwing with that crap. (What do you do?) I blog. (hahahahahaha) STFU.
Tags: Comment, Poker, Neighbor
I am Sparticus.
AUSTIN, Texas - New security measures for young users of MySpace.com won't be enough to stop online child predators, safety experts warned Wednesday.
Those under 18 will still be able to make contact. Without age verification, adults can sign up as teens and request to join a 14-year-old's list of friends, which would enable the full profiles.
Safety experts: MySpace changes not enough - Yahoo! News.
News Corp. (Fox owners and a ton of other atrocities against the human race) is being smart. If they have any kind of real security people will simply go to another site. Kid’s will be safe[r] but they don’t bring in the same money as older folk so their business goes kaput.
Everything dominated by the all mighty dollar. I don’t know why they just don’t shut off all people who are younger than 18. You keep the money and you cut off any stupid lawsuits. And this lawsuit is stupid, this coming from a guy who argued the McDonald’s coffee lady was entitled to that money. I mean, SCALDING COFFEE PEOPLE. how are hell should you know.
Tags: Myspace, News Corp., Dollar
All hail dollar, in all its glory.
ZAHN: Your party is getting creamed as the party of cut-and- runners, the wobbly, the weak. Some Democrats want the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. Some think they should be out a year from now. And some think setting a timetable, period, is irresponsible. So, do you understand why that divisiveness compromises the credibility of your party?
Media Matters - Zahn to Biden.
Umn, what exactly are they getting creamed (I could make a Clinton joke, but really, aren’t we past that?) on? They are up in generic polling for Congress, that nearly won a vacated seat in a highly republican distract in Cali, they are starting a 50 state plan that isn’t even fully implemented and as I said before they are up in generic congress polling. And forgive me if I’m wrong, don’t the republicans own (come on, you know they do… it’s all a money thing) all three branches of government?
… and I thought they had no plan on Iraq? Oh, until you can pick apart a proposal and call them “cut and run” dems. My bad. So, what are the repubs…? “Stay and die” assholes? I like the ring to that.
MSM at it again.
Tags: Stay and Die, Cut and run, MSM
WASHINGTON - The Republican-controlled Senate smothered a proposed election-year increase in the minimum wage Wednesday, rejecting Democratic claims that it was past time to boost the $5.15 hourly pay floor that has been in effect for nearly a decade.
The Senate vote marked the ninth time since 1997 that Democrats there have proposed — and Republicans have blocked — a stand-alone increase in the minimum wage. The debate fell along predictable lines.
Senate rejects bid to raise minimum wage - Yahoo! News.
This is just dishonest. Let me do math… because me normally stupid do math. Der. 1997 + 9 = 2006. So, that would equal approximately one per year. Now lets see, senate members are elected every six years so they’ve been doing this in off election years too. Yeah, they come up on staggered years, but… still.
This is how stupid the MSM is. While it’s technically an election year this has been a project for the dem’s since 97’. The MSM is misleading and whats worse no one seems to care. It won’t be on any news programs other than to say how evvvvvil dem’s want to give people mo… ugh, why do I bother.
Tags: Minimum Wage, Republican, Democrat
-> On my old new blog I found this post:
i see everyone else is commenting on the war so i might as well too.
i'm not anti-war. some people just need to be kicked out of high office. diplomacy doesn't work, cajoling doesn't work, and they are working against the greater good of our nation/world.
but here's my major contention with this 'war.' hussain, although a questionable man and should have been thrown out of office 11-12 years ago, he was working diplomatically with the UN. it's been a slow task, but he has begrudgingly cooperated with the UN inspectors. so, what do we do, we attack him. yay!
now bush is going to war. so, what does that tell us? if the president doesn't like you he can declare war against you? and what about north korea? weren't we calling their war threats nothing more then posturing?
i'll leave you with this...
bush: we want all of your documents on your weapons.
iraq: uh, it will take a little time
bush: NO, NOW
iraq: uh, ok? ::day of deadline:: here.
us: it will take us a little bit to read this, don't do anything evil which we're reading
iraq:: ...
bush: LIES! ALL LIES! you left thingermerstuffers out.
iraq: no we didn't
bush: you liers. you have trucks you are transporting crap on.
iraq: no we don't
bush: yes you do.
UN: we haven't found any trucks
bush: look f'n harder
UN: we've been here a reasonable amount of time and we have no evi...
bush: -you're inco..co.. stupid! we have spy thingys and they saw them.
UN: uh, ok? tell us were they are.
bush: we can't
UN: why?
bush: you know those cloak thingys on star wars or something? they have them. and they move like 2 billion miles a hour.
UN: so how do...
bush: -just find them... on your own. iraq, blow up all your weapons or we will come on and remove them.
iraq: we have no more weapons you boob. we used them all on the ku... on experiments. like you experimented in the 40's and 50's on your own citizens. we've got some old weapons. we'll destory them.
bush: shut up. that was a different president. like ford or GMC. and destroy your secret stash.
iraq: we have no secret stash. and we're destroying them as...
bush: -thats it... final staw. we want saddam out or we're attacked.
iraq: wtf??? we just destroyed a bunch of f'n weapons and now you want to attack us?
bush: lifes a bitch, huh?
Tags: War, Bush, Husain, Ponys
-> Ok, here it is. I have a minor problem with the header, but that should be dealt with by next week. Thing is, I had it completely the way I wanted it yesterday when I was fooling around with it. Meh, looks better and I have got mostly everything figured out, so. Yay.
-> Boy, everyone stepped up their right-wing moron A-game today. I'll try to play catchup tomorrow.
I was looking though web sites the other day and a came acrossed an article, as I normally do.
I won't go into specifics, but the article questions America's (in general) lack of personal responsibility. It did so in the most ingenious of ways, it said something to the affect of "you're questioning our troops and never fought for our country, why don't you (or a loved one) go over there and see if you come back with the same attitude." Generally the author held herself up because she was a military wife.
First, this article was rife with fallacies. I won't lump her in with all the other right-wing nut jobs as she did with the American population and her crusade again people drawing bad things about whatever. She makes the assumption that if you aren't involved with the military you should STFU and let them do their job. So lets have the military run the government, because most politicians haven't been in the military. See how fun making stupid comments are?
She also makes the assumption that one chooses not to join the military. Right, like all people actively choose not to do jobs. This one almost makes my head hurt, seriously. Maybe she chose not to marry someone who was not in the military because she wanted to write this article in 20 years. Oh wait, 3 kids, military... better make that 5. See how stupid it is to make assumptions?
Maybe Benson drew the picture because he though Americans would not take this event seriously and make reasons why it wasn't their fault. Maybe he thought people would just sweep it away and blame the other side. Guess he was right.
She has right to write this article, but this article unfortunately what our country has to fight against.
Tags: Haditha, Military, Responsiblity
The bodies of two U.S. soldiers reported captured last week have been recovered, and an Iraqi official said Tuesday the men were "killed in a barbaric way."
ABC News: Bodies of Missing U.S. Soldiers Recovered.
:: moment of silence ::
In the two weeks before he allegedly killed a Providence police detective with the officer's own gun, Esteban Carpio's behavior was by turns bizarre and frightening, according to his family members and girlfriend.
There was the talk of devils and the fear of being cursed; there was the paranoia, the sleeplessness, the random curse words repeated over and over again to ward off evil spirits.
WHDH-TV - Boston - Relatives of man charged in killing of R.I. detective describe mental illness.
This guy’s a looker too. (Look at the pic)
That’s one way to get off, act like a madman a few weeks before you’re going to kill someone and then claim insanity. But, I doubt he’ll ask for it, you know, people always take responsibility for what they have done.
-> Tomorrow I’ll be doing to final change to the site. It will look better, I promise.
GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba - A female interrogator ran her fingers through a prisoner's hair and sat in his lap, a barber gave reverse mohawks and a detainee was forced to kneel so many times he was bruised, the U.S. government says in the most detailed accounting of eight abuse cases at its Guantanamo Bay prison for terror suspects.
Worldandnation: Gitmo abuses detailed in report.
That prisoner's screaming in Arabic. Obviously, the military showed us what they wanted us to see. But again, there's absolutely no evidence that I've seen that says any abuse is taking place at Guantanamo Bay.
FOXNews.com - Inside Guantanamo Bay - Bill OReilly | The OReilly Factor.
Everyone else gets to bag on O’Reilly, I should I should give it a go.
Why is it that he’s so dishonest? One could say he lied, but it is obvious that he’s smudging the truth. Does he even know what the truth is? The major problem I have with him is that Fox has probably got thousands of fact checkers and he usually makes at least one (I’m being generous, he probably makes 10 a segment) error a show.
Why don’t I even care. Moron’s like this will be in the limelight for as long as people are talking about them.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- North Korea is believed to have completed fueling a missile capable of reaching Alaska, raising the probability of an imminent test launch, U.S. officials said on Sunday.
The United States plans to join Japan in a sharp response if the test goes ahead.
Washington has warned Pyongyang against the launch in a message passed to North Korean diplomats at the United Nations but there was no response, American officials said.
CNN.com - North Korea fuels missile, readies launch, U.S. officials say - Jun 18, 2006.
Sing along time!
We’re gonna die
We’re all gonna die
Yes, we’re all gonna die
So read this blog one more time.
Ok, that was more like a chant slash shameless plus (for me). What is this response going to be I wonder? Can’t be sanctions, can’t be attack, oh yeah, strongly worded “that was bad” letter followed by a “STFU what else can you do to us.” This game is so fun.
If you are wondering, and I know you are, why we won’t attack them -- get out a map. Find North Korea. No, that’s Arkansas. Look for a huge blob of land and look right. No, my right. Ok, you found it, now look up. I don’t think we want to piss off their neighbors. No, not South Korea, my up.
Lindgren breeds the mosquitoes in a cabin at her farm and uses a vacuum cleaner to catch them. They were dried and frozen before they were shipped, reported Sveriges Television.
Business Report - Mosquitoes are a gold mine.
Hmm, I…
Hmm, I…
:: ahem :: We can’t just grow/breed them in labs, we need to pay people? Seriously… Just because your jobs automated or shipped over seas doesn’t mean you should do crap like this. Go pick fruit, I hear they have openings. They don’t? Knock yourself out then.
By the by, selling fleas now, they’re worth their weight in silver. Plus, they make cool little Flea Circuses.
-> I'm tempted to change the site once more. There is a "mini" with a exact layout, but "mini" -- I like that one better right now, but I'll give this site a week, maybe it will grow on me.
-> I've decided to run another blog. Yeah, go figure. It will be updated less and it will probably be a website rather than just a blog. It's where my second blog used to be, so I'm not planning anything new. Just different. I plan to keep up my 3-5 post in this blogs, so, don't worry.
Tags: Mosquitoes, US, North Korea, Boom
-> I might change this again by next week. All's I know is I didn't like the last one.
WASHINGTON - Americans paying $3 per gallon at the pump have it relatively cheap when compared with prices globally, say oil and gas company executives who defend their record profits as essential to maintaining supplies.
In parts of Europe and elsewhere in the West, gasoline prices are more like $5 per gallon to $7 per gallon, said the chairman of ConocoPhillips Co., James J. Mulva.
Oil company execs defend high pump prices - Yahoo! News.
Right, it wouldn't have anything to do with taxes on the gas for public transportation.
Hi there,
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Why exactly did you not accept my blog? Did it displease my masters that much? Your site is just a mish-mash of blogs anyway and you DARE deny me and the greatness for which is my blog? It is on now. My 3 readers will boycott your blog until you put it in. This is ala O'Reilly and his highly successful boycott of France. You have not seen the buying power of my 3 readers, they are Fortune 500 listed my friends. They will bring you to your knees.
We shall overcome,
The Management
Tags: Mail
-> slow news day i guess.
-> links to <3 - sinfest.net and fark.com
-> i got this cool pod/vodcast software. now all's i need is a microphone and something to talk about. i already look perdy, so i have 1 out of the 3.
-> the new doctor who's out. i heard someone say it was love or hate. definitely love on this end. i think i hate rose now. there wasn't much of her or the doctor in this one and i liked it. in my last post on this i commented that she seems to have gone from woman to teenager this season. i think i stand by that assessment.
-> i will start using caps tomorrow... or later today.
-> tomorrow will be a one or two post day, i need to get some stuff done. but the highly anticipated mail day is here. whos mail will i pick? will it be yours? stop by tomorrow and find out... or later today, whatever.
-> lastly, check out "Little Britain" from the BBC. It's a sketch comedy show in the same vain as "Kid's in the Hall" and MPFC. it's a riot.two guys do a majority of the major roles. buffy fan's will find anthony head as the prime minister. the only curiosity i have is why they play up the gay angle. i thought the UK was a bit more enlightened... maybe they are and that is why they're doing it. the funniest part was the big fat nekked woman. they'd never get away with that in the states.
Tags: doctor who, mail, little britain
ya, i know
We often hear that the poorest nations are stuck in a "poverty trap" which prevents them from improving their standards of living. In fact, in the 50 years to 2001, the poorest 20 per cent of countries (excluding communist and Persian Gulf oil nations as special cases) on average increased their income by about the same amount as all other nations. Perhaps the most surprising finding in the book is that foreign aid appears to have had nothing to do with this: those nations that received below average aid improved as much as those that got above average.
Exposing the myth of Third World aid - Opinion - smh.com.au.
if these findings are true this is a boost to my warped way of thinking.
i am in parts an isolationist. i believe in fair trade rather than free trade.
i take the position that we should stay hands off with other economies. let them trade with us when they can. we shouldn’t under price, say, corn nor overprice it. we should help out in instances of disease and disaster, but let the economy take its own course. well, that is unless you want to do a 1940’s post-war japan build up. the major problem isn’t even governments giving to charities or UN programs, it’s corporations.
corporations are not people, despite what the SCOUS has said. you can’t look them in the eye. alls they care about is bottom line. in my opinion you must have something to make sure the unbridled greed of corporations. protests are good, but they are not usually sustained. thats why unions are SO important. not because you can get a job mopping floors for 17.50 an hour, but that can reign in some of the greed of the corporation. but then of course you have floor moppers making 17.50 an hour.
a corporation is without borders, it can go to the states, the UK, or the cayman islands if it wants with very little restriction (to my knowledge, i’m not a lawyer). and if there is a country that has less (or no) work laws and it has only its stockholder to answer. so it but some money into the econ and then leaves when there is a better opportunity.
there has to be oversight for our tax dollar or corporations greed. i think we should invoke the prime directive.
Tags: third world, corporations, unions
NEW YORK (AP) -- Former Enron Corp. President Jeffrey Skilling says he contemplated suicide after his company crumbled and authorities began to ratchet up legal pressure on him.
CNN.com - Jeffrey Skilling to paper: I considered suicide - Jun 17, 2006.
yeah, because death solves everything. maybe you should of thought about that before you wiped out peoples pentions.
the death penalty solves nothing, but i wish in this case there were some way to really punish these kind of people. like in the olden US that had a prison that made you stay in a closed cell for about the whole time they were there. they had to close it because the longer termed inmates went crazy. thats what i wish on them.
if our prisons are not for rehabition like the the republicans says, make most of them like this.
Yusufiya is part of Iraq's "Triangle of Death," where insurgents are active and there is widespread lawlessness.
CNN.com - Rescue teams hunt for missing soldiers - Jun 17, 2006.
to me at least, nothing says “iraq is getting better” like a place called the triangle of death.
can’t the military or politicians give it a happier name, like, place of 1000 suns, or happiest place on earth, or the opposite of hell. do they even try anymore? seriously, they say stuff like “crusades“ and “bring it on” and “last throws” but nothing can be further from the truth.
you’d think that the worlds most powerful everything would be better at… everything. or at least not so obviously obtuse about mostly everything.
well i guess you are wrong.
-> CNN has Angelina Jolie’s comments on having her baby FIRST in it’s little update section on the right. why? it boggles the mind why this crap is in the national conscience. it wouldn’t if news papers didn’t report it. just leave it in the rags were it belongs.
ouu, i took a big dump yesterday. i bet that will get me a few readers.
-> i know what i want to do, but i do not know how to get there.
i want more original content, but right now i don't see how i can do it.
-> there are a few rules that i will take to the grave with me:
1.) never talk about yourself in detail on your blog (unless you plan for no one to read it)
i learned this in my first attempt at blogging. not right away mind you, but i did learn it. this blog is actually 5 years old. that last (or first, depending on how you want to look at it) message in the achieves is a dinosaur from a bygone era that i thought was somewhat witty. in started off benignly enough, me wondering what i'm going to put in the blog... me saying i was going to add something to the site then me disappearing for a month and it starting all over again. then, i had a personal life to talk about. it seemed poignant at the time, but when i came back to this site it was... to say the least psychotic. so i deleted it all, but that one message. so i'll be keeping a journal for all of that and quickly burning it after i write in it.
2.) make sure to adhere to rule 1. seriously.
-> caption day sucked. sucked hard. but, fridays my set date. i think i'll get the hang of it, but it may take 7 months. :: thinks :: yeah, never.
-> leave me some mail.if the sites good, bad, you have suggestions... whatever. i'd love your input.
Tags: contect, blog, caption, mail
bogey liked caption day
Many cities and states in the US are not prepared for a major disaster, a new report has warned.
BBC NEWS | Americas | US 'unprepared for catastrophes'.
no! that isn’t true. we are prepared… the admin told us so. say it ain’t so george.
The US would do all that was needed to "monitor the situation" and to "protect ourselves", the spokesman said.
US officials citing surveillance reports said they believed North Korea was preparing to test a new inter-continental ballistic missile with an estimated range of 6,000km (3,500 miles).
In Washington, state department spokesman Sean McCormack said such a launch would place North Korea further down a path of isolation.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | US renews N Korea missile warning.
why exactly?
they would have a weapon that reaches alaska and i don’t think the repubs want to spend 30 years waiting to get oil out of their precious AWR. the thing that has trillions and trillions of gallons of gas. i hear, it just regenerates in alaska. mmm, oil.
just make a deal and be done with north korea for 10 years, that is what we do best anyhow. anyhow, it won’t be long before kim dies and we can spread our special freedom flakes over their land. huh… castro? shut up.
Tags: North Korea, Disaster, US
"i don't think you want to mess with me, i have nu... what? cheney hid the keys again? wtf!1!111oneoneeleventy"
Tags: caption
Jones now says he feels duped by his own party's leadership. "Maybe I should have been less trusting, but I felt it would be a debate that would allow us to talk about policy," Jones told me. "I don't see how we would have gotten hurt if we had allowed members of both parties to go down to the floor to offer an amendment." To express his frustration, he appeared Wednesday at a press conference with Rep. Neil Abercrombie, a Democrat from Hawaii, who bound his own hands in yellow twine to dramatize the bonds under which members of Congress toil.
Resolved: America great! Bin Laden evil! Go Bush! | Salon News.
let us ponder this for a second.
:: waits ::
republican wants honest debate in WASHINGTON. republicans, of the same party, that have rubber stamped nearly every measure the president, republican, has put on the table. no real debate on anything. and you expect real debate.
and, they'd just let the other party possibly one up them in an election year?
so, they've allowed illegal drugs into DC now eh? either he’s the biggest n00b in congress or more likely he’s the 7th biggest lier.
Tags: Republicans, Washington DC, Freedom Frys, War
If I only had a heart
"liberal? HAHAHAHAHAHA... stfu and vote for me"
Tags: caption
on edit:
"pull my finger"
thats a little better :P
“i’m a sexy bastard aren’t I? you just want to bomb me all over don’t you?”
“i did not have sexual relations with that woman… wait, that was the other guy. i did not have sexual relations with that money”
“ok, this is extreme kayaking, extreme beating your head against a rock is that way”
Earlier this month, efforts to ban gay marriage by amending the Constitution failed badly in Senate. Now the religious right is considering appealing to state legislatures to call a Constitutional Convention under an obscure provision of Article 5 that would allow amendments to the Constitution without congressional approval.
this is where i think the founding fathers got it wrong. they should have took a more libertarian stance with regards to the First Amendment:
Congress or the States of the Union shall make no law abridging a persons inalienable rights on the basis that it does not physically harm another person nor shall it make any law on any grounds respecting religion, freedom of speech, or the right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
i’m not a constitutional scholar, but that should do it.
people who get panicked in a theater if someone says “fire” shouldn’t be going to theaters. they should be home, being spayed and neutered watching whatever mindless drivel has caught the national attention. that, and its called darwinism people. we need someway to thin out the herd.
back to the topic. no one should be able to deny someone the right of which another has. period. if people want to put an economic thing on it, thats fine (i guess, but it isn’t keeping… meh, another post) but to flat out deny a gay person the same rights as a heterosexual is just wrong.
if you are economically arguing conservatism v. liberalism i’ll give you points. but you are absolutely, 100 percent wrong if you are arguing social conservatism v. anything. its just stupid. period.
Tags: gay, constitution
dying is gods way of saying "you lose"
What is true is that NeW is catching on across the nation. In the 16 months since The Vagina Monologues debate, NeW has expanded to seven other campuses, including Vanderbilt University, Drake University and Boise State University. While Agness suggests the women form book clubs before turning to activism, each chapter of NeW is autonomous — and likely to cause a stir.
TIME.com: What Would Ann Coulter Do? -- Page 1.
yeah, because you know it wouldn’t be very lady-like to stir up the menfolk. they can gossip on how sally wore white after labor day and if they get to it discuss the liberal problem.
ice cream is the other white meat
The killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi marks the "beginning of the end" of al-Qaeda in Iraq, the country's national security adviser has said.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Al-Qaeda 'coming to end in Iraq'.
oh? like hamas is gone from israel?
i hate assholes like this, not because they are optimistic… but because people may look up to them and a guy may say, wow, this really could be a turning point…
a minute later the guy dies in a car bomb.
nevermind that iraq wasn’t a major terrorist hangout before the war and we made problems hundreds of times worse… so bad that some people in the know are putting the stabilization process at the later part of this decade.
yeah, and how afganistan doing? the place that really had terrorists?
The Taliban movement has evolved beyond its guerrilla struggle into an organized widespread rebellion. It has fully matured in southern Afghanistan and is heading north toward Kabul and beyond, all the way drawing on growing popular support.
Asia Times Online :: South Asia - Taliban take the fight to the country.
doomie, doomie, doom
-> i love this game
attack the message or the messenger.
see, how this game works is pretty simple. say, a family member drinks too much here's the conversation:
you: i think you drink too much.
them: well, so do you.
see how that worked? them totally missed the point of his/her drinking and then flipped it on you. politicians, family, friends --- they all do it, i do it and probably you do it.
grow up.
get the teaching company's argumentation: the study of effective reasoning. you can thank me later.
Tags: argument
The father of one of three inmates said to have committed suicide at the US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay has said he believes his son was murdered.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Father queries Guantanamo suicide.
the plot gets thicker and thicker.
first we have some body saying it was a PR stunt. then we have the admin quickly distancing itself from that statement. then we have the father saying it was a murderNO CARRIER+++ AErc#aqtc qw53c w4
ah, you can’t make this stuff up. seriously, it happens everyday.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A $200 bottle of champagne from Hooters and $300 worth of "Girls Gone Wild" videos were among items bought with debit cards handed out by FEMA to help hurricane victims, auditors probing $1 billion in potential waste and fraud have found.
CNN.com - FEMA hurricane cards bought jewelry, erotica - Jun 14, 2006.
later in the article it goes on to say that they were checking for fraudulent applications. so put two and two together and you get… they shouldn't have gotten the cards in the first place. even if they were acquired correctly, they should have put safeguards on the debit cards. but, whatever, as long as stupid people can keep the ‘they’re on welfare and they live better than i do’ myth alive.
Tags: FEMA, hurricane, Guantanamo
thundercats, ho
Russia is to build the world's first floating nuclear plant, designed to provide power for remote areas.
BBC NEWS | Europe | Floating atomic plant for Russia.
in the what could possibly go wrong department… why do you think that we haven’t tried this before? and this from the ruskies:
no nuclear subs sunk in: 625 days.
President Bush To Legally Blind Reporter: ‘Are You Going to Ask That Question with Shades On?’
where’s my bushism’s calendar?
bad, bad president. no cookie for you.
awww, how could i say mad at you.
i like dr. pepper
o> short post, i want to reflect on today. ha.
ann coulter and michelle malkin make me want to puke. out of my eyes. with knifes in my eyes. and my eyes being set on fire with zippo fluid.
Malkin: Boo Freaking Hoo - crooks and liars and Daily Kos: Rec list diary on RedState rips ... Ann Coulter. on daily kos.
-> i hate computers. with the red hot passion of 50 fiery suns. it used to be 100 but i think i'm getting soft in my old age.
things i hate about the computer:
1.) tech questions. seriously. the question someone is about to ask has been asked three million times on the interwebs. whenever someone goes, but i don't know ___________. f'n google it. i'm not 7334 nor do i care about your shitty problems. if your problem is that advanced, i probably can't do dick about it. i'll only give help to the older generation, because... i can.
According to a survey released this month by Dublin-based consulting firm SkillSoft, 97 percent of IT professionals feel traumatized by their daily work. Indeed, 80 percent of them get tense just thinking about going to the office.
STLtoday - Business - Technology.
2.) IT people. i won't bag on them because they think their jobs are stressful. if they weren't around people would actually have to learn the crap. i'm being dead serious. without any profession, people would have to learn to fend for themselves. but, what does piss me off is that a great deal of IT people are just reading off scripts. there should be some sort of code for i know what the hell i'm doing, let me talk to a manager.
Tags: coulter, malkin, computers, it, flaming knives
wouldn't you like to be a wiener too?
Israel is not responsible for the deaths of seven Palestinians enjoying a picnic on a Gaza beach last Friday, Defence Minister Amir Peretz says.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Beach deaths 'not Israel's fault'.
because inquires take only a few days. i think we are doing something wrong, you see. we usually take a month or two to get to the bottom of something. not them. no hundreds of hours of manwork into any subject, just eye ball it and a) say it was the other guys fault or b) accept some blame, but counter by saying the people shouldn't have been there.
No Indictment of Rove in CIA-Leak Case
Byron York on Rove & Fitzgerald on National Review Online.
well, this is no good.
there was a part of me that hoped, but alas, it won't be coming true. turd blossom is going free. drats. meh, valarie plame didn't matter anyway.
he's still a asshole though.
Is Ford's parting gift to ex-workers 'cruel joke'?
Is Ford's parting gift to ex-workers 'cruel joke'? - 06/10/06 - The Detroit News Online.
oh, this is sweet. corporate america at its finest.
something people were promised for year and years --- a ring and a foot warmer. wait, huh?
i'd take it a step further, why pay people? they're just cogs in the system, unlike say, an executive or CEO. give them a crummy place to stay and a bit of food. that will save millions of dollars. or better yet don't pay them and CHARGE them for a place to stay. ouu, gets better and better.
this is a slippery slope my friends.
-> and the pirate bay came back on line a week ago. congrats, fight the... uh... good fight i guess. contribute to their defense - thepiratebay.com
Tags: palestinians, rove, turd blossom, ford, corporate, pirate bay
(CBS) The death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has done little to improve views of how things are going for the U.S. in Iraq or boost President Bush's approval ratings, a CBS News poll finds.
hmm, i thought there would be a bounce. maybe the population has finally gotten sick of GOP crap…
WASHINGTON — The political landscape has gotten friendlier for congressional Democrats over the past six months, but the party's prospects for scoring big gains in governors' races now look more difficult.
USATODAY.com - Dems slipping in state races.
… or not.
how quickly michigander’s forget of engler awesome GOP 3 term run. i might have a tinsy bias in whether she wins or not. but engler totally destroyed everything he had his hands on. i would like you to think of him as a white coleman young. my detroiters know who i’m talking about.
“hey baby, why don’t you give your master a big wet kiss.”
Tags: Bush, Engler, Election, Governer, Poll, Caption
-> i just wanted to point out that you should read the linked article if you don’t understand my comments. i’m pretty sure 99.9 percent of the people who read my blog on purpose know this. i’m sure they’ve already know about all of the articles posted for at least two days. wrote their blogs a day ago and are already on to the next thing.
-> for the .1 percent who don’t read the articles and don’t know what the hell i’m talking about or think i’m totally wrong. i’ll give you a primer: you’re stupid, go away.
-> i’ve thought up… well, stolen… a few things that will be a few days posts. a mail day and a caption day. the caption day will be any day, but the mail day will be on a sunday, probably. right.
o> the reason i didn’t post for the last few days is two fold. the first is because i had ‘writers block.’ more or less because there was so many things to write about. i came out of the hangover, or writer block pretty good. i can write a few posts. the second is the lessor, the blogger server was down saturday or sunday. i couldn't have posted if i wanted to.
-> i have the next few days sketched out, there should be no problems.
-> i have a few ideas for a site, but, i don’t really want to talk about doing them. it just leads to overload and then i stop posting all together. without getting to deep into it, when i get enough subscribers i will probably change the layout of the blog and think about doing a weekly podcast. i don’t see much point in doing either right now. in the far off future i might start doing a comic, but time will tell.
-> and finally, this is a plug for joe and monkey. the comics are most of the time random, but the strip is just good reading. it’s one of the links to the right.
macbeth, i am your father.
Tags: update, joe and monkey, subscirber
The US state department has distanced itself from comments by a top official that the three suicides by prisoners at Guantanamo Bay were "a good PR move"
BBC NEWS | Americas | Guantanamo suicides 'not PR move'.
… they said a day after it was known that one of the terrorists was to get out soon.
why don’t i believe anyone you ask?
i say, i can believe anyone if they give me the same lie over and over and over. just, i can’t believe any governments when they have one guy telling you it was PR, another person saying it wasn’t, another person saying that someone used his/her anal beads.
a united front people. ever hear of it?
decider my ass
Tags: guantanamo, PR
Made with love, who's love I do not know. (c) me in 2006-2008