i hate people
Earlier this month, efforts to ban gay marriage by amending the Constitution failed badly in Senate. Now the religious right is considering appealing to state legislatures to call a Constitutional Convention under an obscure provision of Article 5 that would allow amendments to the Constitution without congressional approval.
this is where i think the founding fathers got it wrong. they should have took a more libertarian stance with regards to the First Amendment:
Congress or the States of the Union shall make no law abridging a persons inalienable rights on the basis that it does not physically harm another person nor shall it make any law on any grounds respecting religion, freedom of speech, or the right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
i’m not a constitutional scholar, but that should do it.
people who get panicked in a theater if someone says “fire” shouldn’t be going to theaters. they should be home, being spayed and neutered watching whatever mindless drivel has caught the national attention. that, and its called darwinism people. we need someway to thin out the herd.
back to the topic. no one should be able to deny someone the right of which another has. period. if people want to put an economic thing on it, thats fine (i guess, but it isn’t keeping… meh, another post) but to flat out deny a gay person the same rights as a heterosexual is just wrong.
if you are economically arguing conservatism v. liberalism i’ll give you points. but you are absolutely, 100 percent wrong if you are arguing social conservatism v. anything. its just stupid. period.
Tags: gay, constitution
dying is gods way of saying "you lose"