freedom blog
-> i just wanted to point out that you should read the linked article if you don’t understand my comments. i’m pretty sure 99.9 percent of the people who read my blog on purpose know this. i’m sure they’ve already know about all of the articles posted for at least two days. wrote their blogs a day ago and are already on to the next thing.
-> for the .1 percent who don’t read the articles and don’t know what the hell i’m talking about or think i’m totally wrong. i’ll give you a primer: you’re stupid, go away.
-> i’ve thought up… well, stolen… a few things that will be a few days posts. a mail day and a caption day. the caption day will be any day, but the mail day will be on a sunday, probably. right.
o> the reason i didn’t post for the last few days is two fold. the first is because i had ‘writers block.’ more or less because there was so many things to write about. i came out of the hangover, or writer block pretty good. i can write a few posts. the second is the lessor, the blogger server was down saturday or sunday. i couldn't have posted if i wanted to.
-> i have the next few days sketched out, there should be no problems.
-> i have a few ideas for a site, but, i don’t really want to talk about doing them. it just leads to overload and then i stop posting all together. without getting to deep into it, when i get enough subscribers i will probably change the layout of the blog and think about doing a weekly podcast. i don’t see much point in doing either right now. in the far off future i might start doing a comic, but time will tell.
-> and finally, this is a plug for joe and monkey. the comics are most of the time random, but the strip is just good reading. it’s one of the links to the right.
macbeth, i am your father.
Tags: update, joe and monkey, subscirber