a beautiful day in the neighborhood
BEIJING (AP) - Chinese police tore up a protester's poster and detained at least two people on Beijing's Tiananmen Square on Sunday as the country marked 17 years since local troops crushed a pro-democracy demonstration in the public space.
Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | China Marks Tiananmen Square Anniversary.
why are they marking it at all? i thought communist countries could make things disappear? likeNO CARRIER +++RER56gfhnbsdGY^$^ G %
The waters are rising around Venice. Each year the floods worsen and last longer. Carpets of slime coat St Mark's Square. Statues and church walls are coated with filth. The city is drowning. But there is a solution: run the place like Disneyland, says leading UK economist John Kay.
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | 'Send for Disney' to save Venice.
why do people still let economists speak? why don’t we give detroit to omni corp.? oh wait, that didn’t work out to well in the movies. why don’t we give every country to a fortune 500 company and watch the fun.
-> for today i’m tidying up my house. sounds like fun eh? but i’ve been feeling pretty under the weather the last few days so its me throwing something away and then sitting for two hours. by the time i’m finished with cleaning my shit it should be time for school again
-> im a collector of backgrounds. it’s something to pass the time and sometimes its rather enjoyable. i found a rather cool one while searching around… maybe i’ll make an area for user to post their backgrounds. or not. nice idea though.
now go daddy go
Tags: China, Venice, Backgrounds
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Anonymous |
7:34 PM
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Anonymous |
7:55 PM
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11:27 PM