who? doctor who. shut your mouth
-> http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/
being a small child and watching whatever you parents liked gives one an eclectic mix of programming to grow up on. i watched this one god awful show on saturday or sunday midday. some old guy who wore either a vampire costume or a black suit that hadn’t been washed in 40 years hosted awful movies to inflict on the audience. he even called them awful movies…
i did like one show. doctor who. now, i didn’t love it, that would come late. it is sort of like a feeling out process, do you like it because your parents watch it (that was my mothers show, father couldn’t be bothered with that tripe) or because it was such a great find. accustomed to it a guess would be the term.
since my mother was a fan of tom baker, i suppose i was as well. i don’t remember when i watched it, but i’m sure one of those insipid PBS pledge drive were on though a few of the times watching.
i don’t remember when i stopped watching the doctor. it might have been before the sixth doctor, but i couldn’t be sure. i do have this nagging fear of umbrellas though.
then 2005 rolled around.
i was on a search the internet kick. these for me are i become entrenched in one thing and search the web for it for a few weeks. i became re acquainted with british tv. i was looking at a site and the young ones caught my eye… then red dwarf again… then monty python… then doctor who. i found out that it was in fact returning on a few months. OH JOY i thought.
i was not disappointed.
i’m not sure what i liked the most about the new doctor who. Eccleston would have to be the first i guess… you can’t have a doctor who series without a good doctor. but i found out a few weeks into my viewing that he would not be reprising the role… that, sucked.
i don’t like the new doctor. out of 8 eps 2 and a half have been good. one half goes to the eye candy show. Piper seems more… idk, like a kid. i don’t quite understand how the doctor and companion go though a regeneration. i hope the current arc turns out something… i was hoping for the master to return, hell, they did it with the daleks.
three to get ready
Tags: Doctor Who
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