games, fliers, and gays
US President George W Bush has called for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush calls for gay marriage ban.
i say for all those looking in, this is not a big concern. seriously, the repubs will never get this the 66 votes it needs, and john henson (my deity of choice) willing at the end of this year they’ll have even less votes.
government has very little place in our lives. if people want to stick things where they are probably not supposed to go, let them have at it. it is social darwinism people. they probably won’t have kids, just adopt and we solve two problems. we have someone to take the kids no one wants and they aren’t having kids. it’s win-win. and even if they do have kids, so what? it’s not like they’re going to raise a little hell spawn. well, all kids are hell spawns, so no more hell spawnier than the next person.
our government is there for three reasons.
1.) defence
2.) welfare of people
3.) make sure things work. (roads, police… stuff that you supposedly pay taxes for)
gays are not our problem. people who want to blow us up are. why not spend a little more money on the ports or airports or border guard, or a million other things rather pick on gays. that leads me to believe the government just doesn’t care about average people.
Tags: Gays
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