I hate Saturday
I mowed my "lawn" today. Usually it's just a build up of weeds, so I put it off until the last possible moment before the neighbors call the deed people. That is a long time because most have lawns as bad as ours. So we live on the corner of a somewhat busy street and the people usually just dump their crap on our lawn and drive off. Being the responsible liberal, I just mow over it and hope the pieces don't hit me in the eye. Today the mower stalled three times because it looks as if a drunk ran up on the yard and the "yard" has a few spots where it goes up and down. It's a mess.
But seriously, I hate mowing
What's in the news... the news. I was skimming yesterday and I came a crossed an article advocating that "poor" people not breed. Beside the obvious how many times was she dropped on her head and is it still going on questions I have for her... no, that is the only one. How do people like the author even turn on the computer?
Boggles the mind
... and no, no links. I don't want to encourage her.