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I get in the most retarded arguments with my neighbor.

Today, much like every other fucking day I had nothing to do, besides the obvious... which I'll do later, I swear. I go over to his house and we exchange pleasantries and it's on. He big into poker. Most of the immediate people around me are way to into poker, more on that later. He's playing as I'm watching egging him to put all his chips in the pot (so his game would be over). This is of great joy to me, because otherwise I'd be here typing.

So he is going on about someone "sucked out on him" and I go, "the cards are predetermined, you have as much much chance as winning as you do losing." And because he likes pissing me off he goes, "no, there are odds for every hand... bla bla bla" and then the argument ensues. He didn't want to admit (totally) that the cards were predetermined and went to the next conclusion that all hands had odds. Which, I'm fine with, if we were only talking about that. By totally I mean he said at the end, about five minutes after he said I'm not talking about this anymore, "Well EVERYONE knows that they are predetermined, but.. bla bla bla" -- he has a way of ending the conversation in two ways, first the "you're a moron, I'm not talking about this with you anymore" way or the "I concede most/all of your points but I am still right on the points I brought into this discussion that had nothing to do with the point you brought up" way. Don't even get me started on the "game of chance" argument.

I'm not saying he is wrong all the time, I've said/thought incorrect things before, but he has a way of jumping to the next conclusion. Something I brought up in the argument on a argument / conversation we've been having for the last 4-5 years. It goes, all humans evolved from the same life, but there are three major classifications in races. There are more classifications going down such as continent (Asian, European), and country (Japanese), and whatever.  He has shifted his position a few times but it is generally at we all come from the same stalk so it doesn't matter. Whenever I take a position though he takes the one one away as in: all one, nope 3 races - bunch of races, nope 3 races - 3 races, nope one race. It all ends up at one race eventually, but it's annoying as hell.

Poker it the main hobby of everyone I know around here, seriously yo. I figure if it makes you happy... but... you're losing your money. It's f'n stupid. Garden, get involved in some sort of league, read, or something... but christ. They spend too much time screwing with that crap. (What do you do?) I blog. (hahahahahaha) STFU.

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I am Sparticus.

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