Once more with feeling
I was looking though web sites the other day and a came acrossed an article, as I normally do.
I won't go into specifics, but the article questions America's (in general) lack of personal responsibility. It did so in the most ingenious of ways, it said something to the affect of "you're questioning our troops and never fought for our country, why don't you (or a loved one) go over there and see if you come back with the same attitude." Generally the author held herself up because she was a military wife.
First, this article was rife with fallacies. I won't lump her in with all the other right-wing nut jobs as she did with the American population and her crusade again people drawing bad things about whatever. She makes the assumption that if you aren't involved with the military you should STFU and let them do their job. So lets have the military run the government, because most politicians haven't been in the military. See how fun making stupid comments are?
She also makes the assumption that one chooses not to join the military. Right, like all people actively choose not to do jobs. This one almost makes my head hurt, seriously. Maybe she chose not to marry someone who was not in the military because she wanted to write this article in 20 years. Oh wait, 3 kids, military... better make that 5. See how stupid it is to make assumptions?
Maybe Benson drew the picture because he though Americans would not take this event seriously and make reasons why it wasn't their fault. Maybe he thought people would just sweep it away and blame the other side. Guess he was right.
She has right to write this article, but this article unfortunately what our country has to fight against.
Tags: Haditha, Military, Responsiblity