When is "I don't care" an answer?
I was having a heated argument with my friend the other day(other being a week ago because this message sat in my blog window languishing). More like he was having a heated argument with me and I was saying I don't care. The argument was about whether or not I understood why he did what he did. The what he did is inconsequential to this piece. "This" could be anything. From me understanding why he worked on his car to me understanding why he enjoyed making crocheted hats for figurines.
As he often does, he was making poor analogies and changing or adding terms to the discussion and when I called him on it... well, it doesn't really matter. Arguments usually go from point A to B to C to AC to BX without any of the arguments being solved.
me: I don't care.
him: It doesn't matter, it's either a yes or no question
me: No, I'm neutral. I could care less.
him: It isn't a neutral question, you either understand or don't understand.
me: Well, since I could care less, there's your neutral answer.
It goes on... and on... and on.
It's like religion. Overly religous people often have an us against them mentality. You're either with me, or against me. Anything neutral is against them. There is no compromise. Likewise, there is usually never any compromise with him.
Example. A woman is trying on dresses and she asks her husband whether the dress she's wearing looks nice on her. Aside from the fact anything the man might say will lead to an argument, he doesn't care. Why doesn't he care? It's not relevant to him. If he had a vested interest in the dress, I don't care wouldn't have been an answer.
While me saying yes or no would have placated him, I felt well within my own bounds to basically say I don't give a flying fuck.
That doesn't mean I don't care about him, or don't care about the issue in general. It just means I don't feel the issue has significant relevance to me. I can see many different issues for and against his choice, but in the end I don't care about his choice because I'll probably never be in that situation.
The world is rarely black and white, but to him the inverse is true.
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