Sunday, March 25, 2007

What's all this then

The officials contend that Gonzales' attendance at this meeting is not contradictory to what he has previously said -- that he was not involved in the details of the firings or in selecting the specific

prosecutors. That task was left to Sampson, who has resigned over the controversy.

[cnn] 3/24

Seriously. I mean SERIOUSLY.

I won't comment on the investigation. The investigation will flush everything out, but why do we even have a Congress then? If the President says National Security that's the ultimate fuck all to anything Congress says. If the President says no, oh well. Go back to your ... whatever it is you do.

This is so contradictory my head is bout' to aspolde'.

Down the rabbit hole.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Typing sucks

Ever since my apparent withdrawal from school I've been planning on what to do next. After my history with computers and my "I won't ever work with computers" statement -- I'm thinking of working with computers.

One thing I've had to relearn was typing. I've been a hunt-and-peck typer forever. After my unfortunate illness I went from 30-35 WPM to 15-20 WPM. Since I want some semblance of speed with computers (html, word, ... well, anything typing related) I have decided to learn (or relearn) the keyboard. After three hours on my typing program, I'm up to a stunning 9 WPM. I've got a LOT of practice to do.

I know where the keys are, but this format I'm on just sucks.

Updates later.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Men of the Year Edition

WASHINGTON - The White House began floating the names of possible replacements for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Monday as the Justice Department released more internal documents related to the firings of eight U.S. attorneys last year.

[realcites] 3/19/07

It would appear that Gonzales, or Gonzo as I like to call him, is getting the shaft.

Fuzzy memory. Misleading. Out right fabrications. And still, after six or so years 30-40% of the American people support the Bush Administration. Outstanding.

You'd think, or as least I would, that you piss on people long enough they'd say, "hey, stop pissing on me." The apologists will say, "well, he's just doing [x*] for our country."

* - there is just too much stuff to list.

Lieberman won’t rule out GOP-switch, may endorse Republican in 08

[crooksandliars] 3/19/07

... and the Zell Miller award goes to...

It won't change anything until the next version of Congress anyway, but sooner or later the Democrats should just say, "Ok, go." It's nice to be a media whore, like I aspire to be one day, but come on. Publicly blackmailing the party you pledged allegiance to during your 06' election bid? Even though you KNEW the Democrats would be hard on your BBF Bush? Well played sir, well played.


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Monday, March 19, 2007

I have a dream

I was going to set up a vblog that incorporated my total lack of ideas.

Yeah, that won't work out.

I was watching a vblog parodying that exact moment. I watch vblogs now by the way. Anyhow, I would have caught on quick that that isn't a good show. Dramatic pauses every once and a while... ok. Sitting there with a finger up your nose... mmmm, no. I knew it probably was a general theme of vblogs, but seeing someone else do it made me realize in advance how stupid the idea was.

I had a week (two weeks actually, one spring break for one class at one school, one for three other classes at the other) to decide what I was going to do. I'm leaning towards dropping all of this school stuff and dedicating myself to my computer. Yes folk, I am going to eat, breathe, sleep and whatever else on my computer. Because (as Denis Leary said), you've gotta have goals.

In the coming months my ideas will be flushed out. "Soup in my Fly" will (if no one else has the name) become the name of my "company." The name of this blog will change. Hopefully, with better content.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

I hate Sunday's

I'll put a few entries up in the noon-timeish.

One thing that makes me uncontrollably want to rip peoples larynx's out is the difference between liberal/democrat, conservative/republican.

People who are liberal might be republicans and conversely conservatives might be democrats. There is no magic formula for this. The dems and repubs are parties, the libs and cons are ideologies. The two major American parties host a wide range of topics like guns to how big government should be to whatever. They both (however begrudgingly) accept all views and immigration, abortion, ect. ect.

I consider myself liberal (classical even) on a lot of topics, but there are a few I'm (mostly) conservative on. I like to understand (not just hear) the other sides opinion on issues. But when you start throwing labels about (I'm guilty of this sometimes to a smaller degree) I just want to strangle the person doing it.

Labels are good for inanimate things, something you can't change, but for an idea or thought or a human in general it just makes no sense.

Please, think of the puppies, don't label humans

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Saturday, March 17, 2007


CEDAR FALLS, Iowa (AP) - Republican presidential contender John McCain on Friday used the term "tar baby," considered by some a racial epithet, and later said he regretted it.

[some news site] - 3/16/07

Why is the use of any racial slur in any politicians vocabulary? Who cares if it's used another way? If it might piss off some people... you know, don't use it.

Oh why bother.

bu-u-u-u-t clinton...

They argue for a more sober and reasoned explanation of the uncertainties about possible future changes in the Earth's climate.

[bbc - Caution urged on climate 'risks'] - 3/17/07

I'm still of the position that they might be right, might be wrong. However, if the Global Warming scientists are right, we'd better change our ways quick. Al Gore (omg, enviro-nazi, kill kill kill) had an awesome analogy. "If you throw a frog into a boiling pot of water he'll try to escape, but if you put him into a normal temperature pot of water and gradually increase the heat to boiling he'll stay."

I don't know, even if GW is less than what it seems, I'd like more breathable air, better drinking water, ect ect.

Global Cooling was not a invention of scientists as large. The scientist came up with a theory, and the media overplayed its hand. They might be doing the same thing, but, if the chances are 50/50 (90/10 by resent scientists reports) I think I'd like to err on the side of caution.


I sort of know what's causing the errors in Firefox, I just don't know how to stop them yet. I got the Web Developer plug-in from Mozilla and it seems that all you have to do is disable the referrers. I don't know how to take them out of the HTML or CSS -- or if I even can.

I'll figure it out somehow.

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Deleting Sites is Hard to do

This morning I just went though a shitload of sites that I found that I didn't "need" anymore.

I had some bookmarks that go back to 2001. I've cleaned sites out since 2001, but this was my most comprehensive upkeep since 2005. I'm probably going to delete about 20% more in the coming days.

I don't know why I continuously bookmark some pages. Some I can understand, like a BBS that has been out of commission since 2005... but others? A greenhouse site? I mean, wtf was I thinking?

I might be ready for a big move in my life. This can just be another thing I use to pass the time, so I don't do, you know, actual work.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Being torn sucks...

My favorite (web) comic is Questionable Content.

It is much like Zeek 2.0. The drawer of that comic got burnt out and quit mid-stream when it was getting really interesting. You have a guy who wants a girl and they can't get together even though she likes him too... maybe in "that" way, maybe not. I could be mixing it up, but since I have nothing to do on... that's the major arc.

I like comics like those. I don't know why. You'd think that I'd get sick of them. You think, right? But they are really drawn well. My fav is Joe and Monkey. It doesn't have an arc most of the time, but... wow. Can that guy draw.

I want to draw.

I used to have a bunch of crappily drawn comics on my door. I filled up the door, and my mum tore them down. It went on like that for a few months until I got disinterested in comics, more the drawing. This was around 12-13.

Another day.

More of the same.

I am me...

I don't remember any president (I've been alive for five, and for Carter I was to young) involved in so much corruption. It is like the Bush Admin goes out of its way to become embroiled in something. Paris Hilton is getting to much air time? We better do a wire tapping scandal.

I don't know what is wrong with my site in Firefox. I may start fixing stuff. I might not, it's the thought that counts right?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I am Fry's boredom...

I don't know what I want to do.

I have grand visions in my head of what I want to do. But they are abstract. Sort of like Picasso.

In olden times a wanted a bunch of phone lines for my BBS. I also wanted a bigger hard drive, more registered doors (games) and a 6 disk cd-rom for files. None of that ever came to be. Except the door thing, but that was only because I was into the warez (pirated files, argh) toward the end.

Currently, I want to do... nothing. That's not to say I don't have grand dreams. It's sort of like a jigsaw puzzle. I know I want to do it, but do I want to spend the time doing it. My heart says yes, my head says where the fuck is the whiskey.

I want to draw.

I want to write.

I want (in theory) to practice law.

I don't want to spend any of the time doing it.

Writing for this blog is somewhat boring. That's not to say I don't enjoy it, it's just cumbersome. I want so badly for something to take with me, but, I haven't found "it" yet.

Monday, March 05, 2007

I don't care

When is "I don't care" an answer?

I was having a heated argument with my friend the other day(other being a week ago because this message sat in my blog window languishing). More like he was having a heated argument with me and I was saying I don't care. The argument was about whether or not I understood why he did what he did. The what he did is inconsequential to this piece. "This" could be anything. From me understanding why he worked on his car to me understanding why he enjoyed making crocheted hats for figurines.

As he often does, he was making poor analogies and changing or adding terms to the discussion and when I called him on it... well, it doesn't really matter. Arguments usually go from point A to B to C to AC to BX without any of the arguments being solved.


me: I don't care.

him: It doesn't matter, it's either a yes or no question

me: No, I'm neutral. I could care less.

him: It isn't a neutral question, you either understand or don't understand.

me: Well, since I could care less, there's your neutral answer.

It goes on... and on... and on.

It's like religion. Overly religous people often have an us against them mentality. You're either with me, or against me. Anything neutral is against them. There is no compromise. Likewise, there is usually never any compromise with him.

Example. A woman is trying on dresses and she asks her husband whether the dress she's wearing looks nice on her. Aside from the fact anything the man might say will lead to an argument, he doesn't care. Why doesn't he care? It's not relevant to him. If he had a vested interest in the dress, I don't care wouldn't have been an answer.

While me saying yes or no would have placated him, I felt well within my own bounds to basically say I don't give a flying fuck.

That doesn't mean I don't care about him, or don't care about the issue in general. It just means I don't feel the issue has significant relevance to me. I can see many different issues for and against his choice, but in the end I don't care about his choice because I'll probably never be in that situation.

The world is rarely black and white, but to him the inverse is true.

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