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CEDAR FALLS, Iowa (AP) - Republican presidential contender John McCain on Friday used the term "tar baby," considered by some a racial epithet, and later said he regretted it.

[some news site] - 3/16/07

Why is the use of any racial slur in any politicians vocabulary? Who cares if it's used another way? If it might piss off some people... you know, don't use it.

Oh why bother.

bu-u-u-u-t clinton...

They argue for a more sober and reasoned explanation of the uncertainties about possible future changes in the Earth's climate.

[bbc - Caution urged on climate 'risks'] - 3/17/07

I'm still of the position that they might be right, might be wrong. However, if the Global Warming scientists are right, we'd better change our ways quick. Al Gore (omg, enviro-nazi, kill kill kill) had an awesome analogy. "If you throw a frog into a boiling pot of water he'll try to escape, but if you put him into a normal temperature pot of water and gradually increase the heat to boiling he'll stay."

I don't know, even if GW is less than what it seems, I'd like more breathable air, better drinking water, ect ect.

Global Cooling was not a invention of scientists as large. The scientist came up with a theory, and the media overplayed its hand. They might be doing the same thing, but, if the chances are 50/50 (90/10 by resent scientists reports) I think I'd like to err on the side of caution.


I sort of know what's causing the errors in Firefox, I just don't know how to stop them yet. I got the Web Developer plug-in from Mozilla and it seems that all you have to do is disable the referrers. I don't know how to take them out of the HTML or CSS -- or if I even can.

I'll figure it out somehow.

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