Saturday, July 15, 2006


Working long hours harder on women's health, study says - Working long hours harder on women's health, study says - Jul 14, 2006.

Yeah, sorry about that.

– So, you say, the general age women can live will be adversely effected by how much they work? You’re saying that women won’t live as long if they work like men?

Who’da thunk it.

Oh yeah, me.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Oh, it's you.

Ugh --

Long week in... my world I guess. Rather than bore you with details...

-... meh. I''ll do this tomorrow, promise.


Friday, July 07, 2006


Why I link to Democratic / Liberal sites and not Conservative / Republican (other to make fun of them) sites:

Well, I'm biased. I don't pretend to be otherwise.

Second, even if I was biased the other way, I think they are mostly based on pessimistic or uneducated opinion. Yeah, this site would be a prefect example, but most of the blogs / sites have actual news.

The problem, I think again, with Republicans is that they need someone to hate. They'll try to gloss over that fact with statistics they pulled out of their ass or an article from 1961, but they can't hide the fact that they are morons. I'm sorry if I'm over generalizing, but all the Republican sites I have gone to are the same. Blame other side, blame other people... wa wa wa, fin. All the ideas they do come up with are totally not what the United States are about you're just sitting there wondering if you just read the idea in question.

Maybe that is just bias.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Too tired

- Use your own Florida tag. I know you have one. [ MSNBC ]

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

... but judge, it isn't my hamburger!

The so-called "paternity fraud" bill did not make it through the 2005 session but this year was amended to an adoption bill (HB 7151) and was passed by the Florida Legislature.

I believe both parents should be treated equally in the birth of a child. That being said, it is totally asinine for courts to require someone who is not the father to pay child support.

You are rubbing salt in the wound. A guy finds out he is not the father and then wants nothing to do with the wife/girlfriend/whatever or child. It sucks, no doubt about it, but then to have the courts order you to pay child support is asinine.

Seriously, would a court just look away from the fact that the man has no biological ties to the child for custody?

The child is left in a terrible predicament, but it should be up to the mother. If a man would have to pay for a one night stand, (and I think he should) a man with no biological/adoption stake in the child should not.

And what’s up with “so-called” — bias much? [ Tallahassee Democrat ].

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Who cares right?

I swear on whatever is holy… WHY THE HELL WASN’T THIS DEALT WITH… :: ahem :: during the campaign off-season? Seriously, I think the Democrat’s want to lose. Since 2000 we’ve known our (Florida, but come on… Diebold) election system was woefully inadequate. Do we do anything about it? [2000] Na, it will fix it self. No? OMG… VOTERS WON’T BE COUNTED…  [2001] Na, it will fix itself. [2002] OMG… THERE IS NO PAPER TRAIL!!!!1111eleventy [2003] Na… and on and on.

It will be another few years before Dean can totally implement his 50 states strategy… who here thinks he’ll need to drag those with power kicking and screaming?

:: hand up ::

Yeah, me too. You get a star. [ Palm Beach Post ].

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Funniest thing you'll see today

I was laughing so hard I was crying. A little set up if you've seem it: Whos line is it anyway; Ryan and Colin are letting two women from the audience make sound effects for what they are doing.

Take it away...

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If at first you don't succeed...

:: cringe ::

I don’t know what irks me more, that they fell out of “power” or that they want it back. Dade county Democrats should take a page out of the netroots playbook, don’t become a huge party like the Democrats of old or the Republicans of new. They are bound to fail sometime and then you are back at square one again.

Make voters aware of the ideas that you supposedly stand for. Electrify your base to get out that message. Profit? [ ].

Oh, and you might, if you're taking suggestions, try getting voters together a little earlier than right before a f'n election.

Love, MJ.

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006


From the files of stupidest logic in the world:

"Customers have been crying out for a tool which could tell them if they have been duped," she said.

Wha…? Someone, or people said, “Gee whiz, I sure hope I haven’t been duped, even though nothings wrong with my computer now.” Wait, they’ve been crying out for new stuff to mess up their computers. Ok, it’s like this, “Waaaaaaaaaaaa, OMG my computers doing what it’s supposed to, SOMEONE HELP ME SCREW IT UP!!!!”

Be honest for christs sake, you want to make more money off of stupid customers while smart users keep cracking your software. BBC NEWS | Technology | Anti-piracy tool confuses users.

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Back to American Idol

- Wait, wasn't Zarqawi's death supposed to like.. uh.. have peace on the march... or democracy.. or candy.. uh.. NORTH KOREA JUST LAUNCHED MISSLES..OMG.. GRAB THE KIDS AND.. uh,, what? It's just posturing, nothing to worry about? Well, ok, if you say so. BBC NEWS | Middle East | Zarqawi death has 'little impact'.

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Recounts rule

Wow. Florida all over again. What, it’s Mexico? Same difference. I’m being a racist? No, I’m pointing out that the left is asking for a recount.

So we are clear, I believe every election should be verified. Regardless of cost. I think though, because it is the Left and not the Right, this will set off more troll’s to the message boards saying that the Left can not take defeat. *cough* Washington State *cough*. [BBC NEWS].

Yay for democracy.

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I have money, wooooo

I tend to stay away from these ‘rah-rah, America is great” articles. Sure, you can find a handful of people anywhere that can say they’ve had a rags-to-riches experience with America, but it is only a handful. The vast majority of stories you would hear are just people scraping by hoping that their children have a better life than them.

I say kudos to this man. Only not everyone makes it so good. [The American Enterprise].

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What him? He doesn't matter.

- Happy Fourth everybody.

- Is President Bush’s house of taped together cards coming down? The main nemesis in his so called “War on Terror” is no longer being looked for with any urgency. Maybe that is because al-Qaeda doesn't have a centralized power structure, but since Bush has a need to put a face on everything, I’ll say this, “Heckofajob Bushie.”

Wait, does this mean Bush hates America? [The Raw Story]

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Hypocrasy, thy name is Lieberman

- My heads exploding and I haven't even been back two minutes. Seriously, if Lieberman loses the primary he should support the winner or go away like all the other losers of primaries. What I'm seriously regretting is if he wins he'll talk about vindications (which, he's the f'n incumbent, he should win a primary) or if he loses he'll talk about how much he respects the voter but a fringe group of Democrats voted for the other guy and he's sure the whole state will elect him. Well, there is another seat the reps will pick up.

He is loyal to a T.

To himself.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


- Yeah, sorry. I think I've been on a news overload as of late. I was getting angry at stupid little things, like, my coke was too cold or someone spawned me on my favorite game. Needless to say I didn't feel right. Maybe it was because of the Right or Left -- but, waking up I felt normal. But I really feel like relaxing.

So, I'm taking a break tomorrow and I'll be back Monday.

ISRAEL last night threatened to assassinate Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh if Hamas militants did not release a captured Israeli soldier unharmed.

- I got this from the Drudge Report (but it is a paper) so take it with a grain of salt.

This is the last time I bring this up unless Israel decides to nuke Palestine. I can't believe Israel is so short sided that they might be planning on doing this. Why? He is a DEMOCRATICALLY elected person. If you kill him, who is to say more kidnapping like this will not happen? The government might fail and your at square one with this and now you have killing an elected leader coming between you. I love the short-sidedness of the Israelis.

Yeah, karma. [The Australian]

- This is funny. Watch. Learn. Love. Oh wait, no, let me try that again. Right-wingers are insane. You have to watch the video, what the blogger says isn't quite true, but it's insane none the less. [ Firedoglake ]

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