Back, Part Deux
I really need to find a better file host.
Election, 2008
I was for Edwards in the beginning. Even though he did some pretty nefarious stuff to make sure Howard Dean didn't get the nod in 2004, I felt he had a few ideas that were good for the nation and there wasn't anyone who could take on Clinton nor Obama. He failed. Spectacularly.
The Clinton's make my skin crawl. Maybe not before, but now I really am over all things Clinton. I dislike their triangulation. I dislike their tactics (or lack therefor) and most of all I hate how they injected race into a seemingly race-less primary. Yes, the Republican's would bring it up if Barrack Obama made it to the election cycle (ugh, I hate "cycles") but that's something you'd expect.
Obama, while cut from the same centrist cloth as Clinton, is at least a real change. Now, I understand he'll probably be similar to the Clinton presidency, but if what Hillary said was true - I have 35 years experience (some of that in Bill's term) - I think this nation just wants a break, new blood. I really am surprised how many Clinton supporters there are, to be quite honest.
Hopefully, Dean's 50 state strategy is working and will work in the future.
Hopefully, someone will clean the mess Bush has left in his wake.
Hopefully, John McCain won't be elected.
I really need to find a better file host.
Election, 2008
I was for Edwards in the beginning. Even though he did some pretty nefarious stuff to make sure Howard Dean didn't get the nod in 2004, I felt he had a few ideas that were good for the nation and there wasn't anyone who could take on Clinton nor Obama. He failed. Spectacularly.
The Clinton's make my skin crawl. Maybe not before, but now I really am over all things Clinton. I dislike their triangulation. I dislike their tactics (or lack therefor) and most of all I hate how they injected race into a seemingly race-less primary. Yes, the Republican's would bring it up if Barrack Obama made it to the election cycle (ugh, I hate "cycles") but that's something you'd expect.
Obama, while cut from the same centrist cloth as Clinton, is at least a real change. Now, I understand he'll probably be similar to the Clinton presidency, but if what Hillary said was true - I have 35 years experience (some of that in Bill's term) - I think this nation just wants a break, new blood. I really am surprised how many Clinton supporters there are, to be quite honest.
Hopefully, Dean's 50 state strategy is working and will work in the future.
Hopefully, someone will clean the mess Bush has left in his wake.
Hopefully, John McCain won't be elected.
Okay, just one thought on this. Please here me out!!
I read the article on and there was a link to this blog.
What really bothered me about the article on 'hate crimes' is the way; the article pointed to all dislike of Obama and his policies. As a hate crime waiting to happen.
for the past 8 years; we have listened to nagging whiners complain about the 'cost of this war..'
The US has now elected, Obama largely because people thought he could fix the economy. Boy was that a joke!
This man came up with a economic stimulus plan that was 4x's the size of the entire budget of the Bush Administration for 8 years!!
Obama manages this in the first 50 days.
But if you are angry at this, that makes it a hate crime? I don't think so!!
I really wish we had a law in place for the people to vote and say we have no confidence in this Administration! Go back, and get some experience besides being a 'community leader!!
Then have another election, it will probably be cheaper in the long run. Find somebody besides John McCain!! Anybody, almost!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:34 PM