One. One Year. Ha Ha Ha.
A lot has happened and almost none of it positive. So here are my New Years Resolutions:
Write more.
I actually started writing more this year. Although it's still pretty few and in-between when I write. I started a dream journal - which was good for a week and then I got into the same old routine of saying "later" and forgetting the dream. I've seldom written in my normal journal, but there is a big chunk of about 4 years where I didn't. So this is a positive sign.
Read more.
I think I got though two books. I need to read more. I'm going to reread "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" in the coming weeks. I listened to the radio plays and re-watched the TV series and movie this week. To put an exclamation point on it I'm going to finish the last part.
Do unfinished tasks.
Knitting. Calligraphy. Programming. Drawing. HTML/CSS. I've had an ungodly amount of free time and not started one of them. That needs to change.
... and learn a language.
Hopefully I'll blog more too.
Happy New Year!

Write more.
I actually started writing more this year. Although it's still pretty few and in-between when I write. I started a dream journal - which was good for a week and then I got into the same old routine of saying "later" and forgetting the dream. I've seldom written in my normal journal, but there is a big chunk of about 4 years where I didn't. So this is a positive sign.
Read more.
I think I got though two books. I need to read more. I'm going to reread "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" in the coming weeks. I listened to the radio plays and re-watched the TV series and movie this week. To put an exclamation point on it I'm going to finish the last part.
Do unfinished tasks.
Knitting. Calligraphy. Programming. Drawing. HTML/CSS. I've had an ungodly amount of free time and not started one of them. That needs to change.
... and learn a language.
Hopefully I'll blog more too.
Happy New Year!