Sunday, November 12, 2006

election: recap

I'm sort of happy.

As you all know, Kronos won. I mean Democrats.

Damn, this is hard work. I had this picture of everything I wanted to say, it's just not coming to me now.

Anyhow, reasons the Democratic majority are a good thing:


Uh, ok. That wasn't to be spiteful, I really don't have anything. That is the problem with a two party system. When you can't do the above, you start naming off bad things and the one with the least offensive to you wins. The Republicans always win this, but still.

I hate talking points. Hate, hate, hate. And now - Talking points after the election:

1.) Dems didn' win the election Repubs lost it. - uh, hey assholes, you remember 2004? 2002... 2000... Bush was a factor, no doubt, but he was a major factor in 2004. The Dems didn't want to speak up, got spanked in 04'. They did this year, low and behold, they won. You can't place it all on one thing, though a hell of a lot easier. But reasons the Dems won were Dean's 50-State plan, corruption, a rubber stamp/do-nothing Congress... and those are just the major points.

2.) Blue Dog Dems/ "conservative" Dems. - braaaah. There has been a split in the party for some time. Like the Goldwater Repubs/conservative Repubs back when. Sure a couple of wolves in sheeps clothing got by, but all in all -- liberals and progressives won out.

3.) Dems have a "lease" on Congress. - wtf? Lease? What asshatery. So the Repubs lease was up? The country is really conservative? Bullshit. We have a diverse nation that can't make up its mind. Example, I love guns - but I could care less what a woman does with her body, let god sort it out. Well, I don't wanna lose my guns. I know, you don't lose guns with Dems... blah, you get the drift. We need third and fourth and fifth parties. Seriously.

I don't know what the future will bring, but, there is certainly less bad shit that will happen than with the Repubs.

I hope.

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

too long, really. it has been.


Sorry about the long off lay. Lay off. Whatever.

First, News burn out.  I was sort of burnt out reading all the news crap. Sort of. I'm fresh, maybe can deal with it better, so weee.

Second, bordom. I just had better things to do. Like, look at porn. You've been there, don't look at me that way.

Third, school. I was going to a Uni and I left my compy back here. Home. So. They have a compy lab, but, meh, I've been avoiding the compies like the plague.

I'm just back for the weekend, but, I'll probably post more normally. I don't get out of school until uround December 15th, so normal posts won't begin until then. After that I'll be going to a Uni closer to me, so... posts all around.

Tomorrow or Monday I'll post on the election.

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