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burning bush

a difficult thing to put your head around is the Bush presidency.

one day you are talking about how incompetent it is. the next time you are talking about how stupid he is. the next day how clever he is at acting stupid. it goes on from this.

it is difficult sometimes to see this. not because it is all untrue, but because they haven't learned. the republicans are great at character assassination. they pick one thing and just pound the person on it (read: current Clinton sex life, 2004 election) until people get tired of it or they lose credibility. democrats, liberals, or anyone who doesn't like his policies should do this:

1.) pick one thing

2.) totally bash him on it endlessly

3.) ???

4.) profit!

lets face it, normal people confuse easily. we can't be changing our attack every month, even if it's true. we need to stick to one thing or we'll be known as weak, indecisive, or the dreaded flip-floppers.

i'd like to know who comes up with these various things. some guy is watching a porn with someone wearing a Hillary mask and he thinks to himself, "i bet we could really fuck up her day if we make something out of Bill and her sex life... ou, this is the bes... ahhhhhhh" or they have a bunch of people who sit in a room and think up this stuff. things to ponder my friends. things to ponder.

smoke me a gipper

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