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technorati sites of the day recap

-> american idol, lost - there are just some shows you don't get into. either because you're a snob or because you really can't see what other people see in it. i'm mostly the first one, but i've never watched the programs. so here are my two synopses of the programs:

american idol: a bunch of people try out for the show. the ones that are horribly bad are better than the ones that are good. the selection going on about 8 weeks to long. the winner is seleted by the most family members with speed dialers. you have to act like you won the miss america pagent.

lost: a bunch of people are trapped on an island. it is like gilligan's island, but darker. there are two groups that don't know about one another. it is like the parent trap, but lighter. they have a bunch of things in their way to find a way off the island.

-> indonesia - i don't have much to say on the subject. my heart goes out to the people involved in the terrible earthquake.

-> dixie chicks - i liked earls gotta die, it was a fun little country song. i think most of the nation was too hard on them after one of the women said something to the effect of "we are sorry the president came from texas." but i hate it when people make something out of relatively nothing. i think most of the nation figured out the Bush admin is incompetent -- why say something, take it back then say it louder than before just before your record release. oh wait, nevermind.

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